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June 17, 2005
Candle Night in South Korea --Candle Night Newsletter #3
Candle Night in South Korea
The preparation of the first "Candle Night" event in South Korea has been underway, mainly by college students in Seoul.
On the night of Summer Solstice, June 21, 2005, exterior lights of the youth culture center will be dimmed, and candles designed by art students will be exhibited. Various other plans such as music events and offering organic coffee samples are in preparation.
The students created a "community cafe", an online message board, asking others to join them. With the help and advice of other environmental NGOs and ex-journalists, they have tried to plan the first event in South Korea. The message board is found at: http://cafe.daum.net/candlenight
The students are planning to hold another Candle Night event in larger scale in October 2005. The Candle Night Newsletter will cover their initiative possibly in the future issues.
candlenight : June 17, 2005 01:36 PM